The purpose of the Devotional Prompts for The Journal is to help you with your personal devotional time, your everyday private worship. Each prompt presents a tenet of faith or personal discovery for you to consider, and includes a call to action. Going beyond passive reading and acceptance, the Devotional Prompts add-ons encourage you to write out what's in your heart, to see the wisdom of God you have glimpsed in your own life, and to highlight those areas in your life where you need to grow.
The Devotional Prompts add-ons were created so you could have a devotional once per day for nearly 6 months (3 months per add-on, over 170 prompts in all). However, you can use the prompts as often or as seldom as you please.
There is no right or wrong way to respond to the devotional prompts. The prompts serve only to get you started thinking and writing. If possible, try to write for at least 10 minutes, being as direct and be as honest as you can.